MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP, originally
for use on Wikipedia. The default settings in MediaWiki, allows any user to view/edit its content. MediaWiki can be used in your business, to keep important documents and share with only the trusted parties. After a small configuration, you can make MediaWiki for private use.
In the MediaWiki, home directory, you may find a very important config file called "LocalSettings.php".
MediaWiki has user groups where you can decide which permission should be given. These permissions can be configured by changing the values of $wgGroupPermissions array. Please consider the following code.
$wgGroupPermissions['*'] defines the none users, (viewers with no account)
After all, you can do further customization, like hiding particular widget from anonymous users.
In the above code, please note "if($wgUser->isLoggedIn())" part. This is a simple validation, where it checks whether the viewer is logged in or not. Once it got true, then the sidebar will be appeared. This a good way of removing sidebar from none logged in viewers.