Saturday, May 11, 2013

Universal Database Manager

After a busy period, finally I got some time to spare for this blog. This time, I'm going to share something I use for my daily work in both industrial and personal.  In my technical life, I have to manage many types of databases. They are mostly varying among popular dbs, like mysql, oracle, postgre and db2. The problem I have faced was, how to manage all from one db client. I tried many clients, and some are restricted for only one specific db or others are commercial and expensive. As a free software lover, I use them as much as possible for my work. So I have found a good solution to handle multiple dbs.

It's DBeaver and it comes under GPL license. It supports for all the databases, which have JDBC diver. If you are familiar with Java eclipse GUI design, this can be visually close to you. I'm not going to explain all the stuff related to DBeaver and you can find much information regarding this awesome tool.